Monday, July 02, 2007

There are Stupid Questions

I just can't get it through my thick skull. Don't ask anyone what he or she is doing for the 4th of July. "What are you doing on the fourth?" is a stupid question. The answer is always "watching fireworks and maybe a barbecue. " For some reason, it seems to be the question on my mind today. I bet I asked it to a dozen people. Maybe I was just looking for one person to come up with something original, but why? Really, what holiday is better than Independence day? What activities are more fun than barbecues, fireworks and rodeos? What nation's birthday is better than our nation's?

Before I get into how much I love the United States, let me just say that there is a good number of other stupid questions. The answer is the same every time, and the questions are asked for no other purpose than to make conversation:
What did you talk about at church? God, Jesus, Scriptures. What do you think we talked about?
How was the funeral? Sad.
Do you want to go out sometime? No.

Okay, rodeos, fireworks, barbeque, parades, neighbors, flags, The United States. The 4th of July is wonderful. Be grateful this year, and remember the veterans and the forefathers. They did great things for us. Exercise your freedom, and do your patriotic duties. Be proud to be an American.


Anonymous said...

i always admire people that can write blogs. i guees sometimes i get word shy and keep them to myself. so thumbs up to you! have a creative fourth of july and please don't get hurt doing something crazy! enjoy a free day!

- your old russian buddy.

Dainon. said...

Eh, I'm not a fireworks guy, but I do feel unnaturally compelled to have a burger every 4th. Today, though, it was Tunacado sushi rolls from Wild Oats instead, go figger. The rockets are launching outside my window and I refuse to open my blinds. I'm still pretty gung ho American and I love this country ... I just refuse to crowd into a park and pretend I'm wow'ed by things blowing up in the sky.

Why did I tell you all that? Well, why not?

Oceanchild said...

It's still funny to me that I didn't read your blog, but insisted on asking you what you were doing for the 4th.

Anonymous said...

You can be original doing what everybody usually do for the fouth... like wathcing the fiireworks from the mopuntains or the lake, or eating barbacue with some homeless people, or stuff.

About the "What country is better than US?"

I love the United States, the history, the people, the landscapes, and its cities, the only thing I got disappointed at is when people think this is IT.

USA has a lot to be proud of, no doubt, but pride can lead to blindness.

The best countries and its cultures TOP 5 according to me:
