Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The advent of technology

I've decided to tone down my font size a little. For all of you who have to wear glasses to read my blog now, tuff luck.

Just sitting here, I was marveling at wireless internet which allows me to go out and check on the bratwurst that I'm cooking without interrupting the many conversations I'm having with people, both near and far, on instant messenger. As I begin feeling more adventurous, I realize what a time travel my life is about to take.
By show of hands, who remembers busy signals, writing down/memorizing phone numbers, phone books, an the myriad of other bulky communication tools we used to use. People used to send letters to communicate. Even missionaries in other countries could put a piece of paper in another folded piece of paper, apply some special stickers, and it would find it's way around the world to their parents' house.

I'm sure I could make a list of the top thingamajiggers that have changed the way we live, but someone else already did it. I haven't seen it, or even really know that, but google knows all. Try it and see.

Here's just a few that I wanted to note:
Walmart - One stop shopping was coined by Fred Meyer, but perfected by the big red white and blue symbol of modern America. Bitch all you want about how it's driven your friend's boomerang shop down on the corner out of business. Walmart is here to stay, and we all love the convenience of buying bananas, building supplies, bb guns and bamboozles in the same place. If Walmart doesn't have it, you don't need it. Frankly, you don't need most of the stuff Walmart has.

Cell phones- Yeah, yeah, go a day with out your cell, and see how naked you feel. Try memorizing phone numbers. Even if you had to use a pay phone, would you know your girlfriend, mom, or best friend's phone number? I don't.

Internet, of course - What time is that movie playing? What's the pizza place's phone number? Where does Mick Jagger live? How would we answer any of these questions without the internet. Google and Wikipedia are extremely useful. How would I be able to track the lives of 101 of my good friends without myspace? Letters? I don't think so.

The technology keeps advancing. The internet went from 28.8 modems and guitar tabs to watching live Nascar races. Incredible. What's next? Remember when Mike Teavee teleports himself on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? I don't think we're that far off. Give it another 25 years. Airplanes will be obsolete, and we'll just teleport around the world. Can you imagine all the tourists in Yellowstone? What a nightmare.


Oceanchild said...

I've been dying for the day when I can just teleport. Walking is so over-rated.

P.S. I am mad about my friend's boomerang shop.

Team O'Connor said...

I'm confused at why the link to my blog says that I'm trying to explain life... Your blog has way more depth and intellectual insight. My blog is full of unimportant crap that I write down so I won't forget that sometimes I have fun. One day, though, I will post something with substance and value.

Grifter said...

Everytime I walk into a Super WalMart, I get the feeling that I am on the Death Star. A very convenient Death Star, that is.

Emily G said...

and yet you're out there stacking rocks and trying to make fire from sticks.....

Price said...

I bought my rocks and sticks at Walmart.