Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Friction Fire

What a joke! Today my goal was to go out in the woods and start a fire. No matches, no lighter, just me and some sticks and some string. Good thing I didn't work today, so I could spend a good 5 hours rubbing wood together until it smoked.

Here's the wiki-how on friction fires.

Wiki-how is a completely worthless site where people try to tell you how to do things. There's one about wilderness survival that suggests you tell everyone where you're going and make sure you bring ample supplies. -duh Another personal favorites is this one How to survive a living hell. It says nothing about my last relationship. Like I said, worthless.

Everything makes full circle back to rock climbing so I may as well steer you clear of looking up how to rock climb on wiki-how. There are however some really good wiki-hows.

For all you 19-year old hotties: Dumping your Emo BF

Certainly this one is for everybody: How to smell nice

Last but not least, it's important to smell nice, but it's also important to be nice.

So be nice people, and don't try to start a fire with sticks. Use lots of gasoline and matches.*

Big Fire

*Jason Price will not be held responsible for persons lighting themselves on fire, singeing their eyebrows, going bald, or smelling bad.


Grifter said...

I got a friction fire for ya..right here in my trousers.


jennifer said...

i thought the handling rejection section was entertaining.

Price said...

Jenn, you read my blog. I'm honored.

Seriously Joe, I'm pretty sure I created more heat rubbing zippers together with semi-moral girls my freshman year than I ever will with a drill and bow.

Oceanchild said...

I would almost think you'd want to do the opposite to get your emo bf to dump you. If you were really happy all the time and always looked on the brightside...wore really bright clothes and not so much eyeliner, he'd probably want to get rid of you asap.

Also, I'm sorry your fire didn't work out.

Emily G said...

price, i tripped across your blog via joe's page. uh.....let me say this carefully...i can help you with your literal friction fire derived of yucca/sage/juniper spindle, fireboard, bow, and socket for you if you really want to learn it.

it's all about the downward pressure, man, if you know what i mean. but seriously. that's really the most difficult part. to make fire. out of sticks.

Price said...

Trust me Gillz, I'd love for you to show me something about downward presure, and busting . . . a spark.