Saturday, September 08, 2007

I dare you to have a better 24 hours

1. Wake up late with no pressures or stress.

2. Climb an 11,300 foot mountain by yourself.

3. Feel alive.

4. Meet up with friends.

5. Build a fire in a secluded spot in the mountains.

6. Play games, talk, and stare at the stars all night.

7. Go to sleep more tired than you've ever felt before.


Grifter said...

I take that dare.

Oceanchild said...

I wish I could take the dare, however I don't think I could have a better 24 hours. Especially the part about sleeping in.

alisa said...

Nope...I knew you at USU before you transferred to BYU and then back to USU. I lived in the 1/2 way house on Darwin--we've totally met. Luckily, I somehow stumbled upon your blog and now get to stalk you.

Price said...

oh good. said...

I know that "feel alive" feeling so well. I can almost TASTE my next hike. :>)