Today is an excellent day. I make every day that way.
Today I woke up from excellent dreams. These excellent dreams involved excellent friends and excellent girls.
I have an excellent sister. She has an excellent husband and an excellent son. He's an excellent nephew.
I went for an excellent run. It made me excellently tired. My companion on this run was an excellent dog.
I took an excellent shower.
I ate an excellent lunch. I made this lunch with rice, raisins, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and honey. All of which were excellent ingredients.
I am listening to excellent music.
I have had an excellent time writing this blog. I hope you had an excellent time reading it.
In fact, I hope that today is the most excellent day of your life. If it's not, give me a call and I'll do everything I can to help.
Be excellent to each other.
Excerpt from Rexburg, August 1996
10 years ago
I think I need to have more excellent days. You forgot to write about the excellent fire making lesson you provided.
most excellent statements bodacious bro! i'm sure bill and ted would most excellentally approve of such an excellent proposal dude. well, like bill said... "WILD STALLIONS!!!"
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